Welcome to my Virtual Teaching and Community Platform!
Hi, my name is Margot Ridler. I’ve made some truly one of a kind material available for you that will allow you to understand yourself, your loved ones, and other people in a completely new way.
My intent with my work is to help you live a truly fulfilling, authentic, and inspired life. That can only happen when you understand why you think, feel, and act the way you do. Hidden beneath your habitual behaviors, thoughts, and emotions lies the treasure of your real YOU. When you learn to access your real YOU, you’ll know you’ve always been perfect and could never not be perfect. You will feel happiness, inner serenity, and joy – simply for being alive.
I was born and raised in Austria and have lived in the United States since 1982. After working professionally in the arena of self-improvement and personal empowerment since the late 1980’s, I facilitated Bert Hellinger’s trans-generational Family Constellations for seven years. This is when, in December 2005, I was thrust into what I call the Liberation Process. This is how I learned that the happiness, joy, aliveness, and freedom you seek cannot be found. You haven’t lost them. They exist in you! All you have to do is uncover and release them so that you can experience them.
I offer workshops, one-on-one programs, and video courses to help you access true, authentic happiness and freedom that are currently entrapped in you, but are your birthright to experience. The Visual eBook True Freedom versus Self-Improvement – A Life Without Suffering Can Be Yours provides an introduction to everything I have learned, know, and now teach. If you want to work with me or learn from me, you’ll find my various offerings by scrolling down. To read more about my background or find out about my credentials please click on the respective button below.
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I wanted to add some text and it worked.